Accident Prevention Factor – Fap: the Offense Against Convention No. 155 of the International Labor Organization, the Life of the Worker and the Application of Benchmarking as a Booster of Good Practices in the Workplace




Worker health and safety, accident protection factor, benchmarking


The general objective of this research is to understand whether the lack of transparency in the indicators of the Accident Prevention Factor – FAP contributes to the violation of Convention No. 155 of the International Labor Organization and, consequently, to the worker's life. This is because FAP was created as an institute that aims to protect the work environment in defense of workers' health and safety. Furthermore, the hypothesis is that transparency regarding FAP was created as an institute that aims to protect the work environment in defense of workers' health and safety. Furthermore, the hypothesis is that transparency regarding FAP exposure constitutes a benchmarking practice that promotes good practices in the workplace. Regarding the methodology used in this research, the deductive approach and monographic procedure methods were adopted, considering that extensive bibliography and documents on the subject were used. The results achieved indicate that it does not make sense for one of the main indicators of the FAP, which is the comparative analysis of a company with others that supposedly best-applied protection measures in managing the reduction of occupational accidents, not being able to have its index disclosed in the name of fiscal secrecy. As final considerations, the importance of this disclosure was discussed as a good practice of transparency and benchmarking.


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Author Biography

  • Hélio Alves, Conselho Federal do Instituto dos Advogados Previdenciários - IAPE

    Pós-doutor em Direitos Humanos e Democracia pela IUS – Universidade de Coimbra – Portugal. Doutor em Direito das Relações Sociais e Mestre em Direito Previdenciário pela PUC-SP. Professor de pós-graduação em Direito e Processo Previdenciário em diversas Universidades. Presidente de Honra do Conselho Federal do Instituto dos Advogados Previdenciários - IAPE


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How to Cite

ALVES, Hélio. Accident Prevention Factor – Fap: the Offense Against Convention No. 155 of the International Labor Organization, the Life of the Worker and the Application of Benchmarking as a Booster of Good Practices in the Workplace. Revista ANPPREV de Seguridade Social, Brasília, DF, v. 1, n. 2, p. 1–27, 2024. DOI: 10.70444/2024v1n205. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.